Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 – A Practical Perspective for Criminal Defence Solicitors

Friday 10th March 2017 – The Radisson Hotel, Glasgow

CCPD Training and Barnsley & Barnsley are working together to deliver this seminar with presentations by Colin Drummond and Matthew Auchincloss.

Colin is a former Detective Inspector with thirty years’ experience in operational policing, training implementation and delivery. He is a trained Senior Investigating Officer having been involved in numerous high profile investigations. Colin was the tactical training lead for the Police Scotland Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act delivery team. This involved working with Criminal Justice partners including COPFS, Scottish Government and others. He was part of the team that successfully designed, implemented and delivered training on the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016. He is now an associate with Barnsley & Barnsley.

Matthew Auchincloss enrolled as a solicitor in 1997 and was granted extended rights of audience in 2005. He has defended cases at all levels and argued one of the “sons of Cadder” cases before the United Kingdom Supreme Court. He is currently Director of the Public Defence Solicitor’s Office.


The Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 will introduce the biggest changes to policing in more than 30 years. These changes will have an enormous impact on the day to day working practices of Criminal Defence solicitors, introducing significant and meaningful changes to issues pertaining to the custody, detention and welfare of suspects and accused persons. As a Criminal Defence solicitor, it is imperative to understand the full implications of these monumental legislative changes.

This A-Z session will provide 6 hours’ CPD covering:

  • Police Decision Making
  • Interview Prior to Solicitor Access
  • Overview of the Act and its implications
  • Powers of Arrest
  • Rights of suspects and responsibilities of interviewing authorities
  • Custodial Responsibilities
  • Use of Investigative Liberation and conditions attached
  • Post charge questioning
  • Case Studies
  • Interactive Q&A